Yet Another Question?


Who am I?

Photo of Carolyn

Well, that depends on who you ask!

I’m a Christian, with a lot of questions about life, the universe, and everything…only I don’t believe the answer to any of them is 42.

I love history and have an MA in Church History. Long, long, ago I got my bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies. In between, I have studied childcare and photography at much lower levels. I like to think, research, question, study, learn. I hope I will always be learning.

I also love to read, to walk, to make things, to waste time with online games and web browsing, to take photos of things that catch my eye, to enjoy being outdoors…and to curl up warm and snug indoors. I try to walk outside each day and I am coming up to a year of daily walks.

My church background includes Methodist, Anglican, Charismatic, all on the evangelical side. I’ve also found Quaker Meeting for Worship to be a good place. I really don’t know what label I would claim now, although I do like the idea of being unlabelable.

Other than that, I am in my 50s, am married with two adult children, one of whom needs a full time carer. I live near the sea, and not far from the fells and wouldn’t be without either. I used to make felt, which now causes too much shoulder and neck pain, but I enjoy other textile art and creative activities like photography. I occasionally sell things I make. I love having my family around me, and am very thankful for all of them.

Oh, and I have a tendency to ask questions.

A lot.